Tuesday, 9 December 2014
Thursday, 6 November 2014
Monday, 13 October 2014
My worst misatke
My Worst Mistake...
My worst mistake is when I got caught on playing games when I was supposed to do my homework . I was playing a game and I used up all the Internet. When my cousin realised that her phone had no internet, she started to get suspicious. When she came into my room she caught me.
The punishment for this was that NO NETBOOK FOR A WEEK! When I got it back I promised to my cousin that I will not do this again and to not play games when I’m supposed to do my school work . Last week I got caught on games when i’m supposed to do my holiday reading had the same punishment like last time NO NETBOOK FOR THE WHOLE HOLIDAY.
Thursday, 25 September 2014
Thursday, 18 September 2014
The Fence
One day there was girl called Lucy and she looked over the fence. She saw a puppy playing with her next door neighbour and she was happy. She looked at the kitchen window and she smelled chocolate brownies baking in their own oven. She thought it was a good smell.
Monday, 15 September 2014
Friday, 29 August 2014
Rugby League
Rugby League
League is a game like Rugby Union and all the other games that you can tackle in. This game is played by National Rugby League players and each team is competing for Provan-Summons Trophy. To play this game you need to have a plan.
The aim for this game is to have scored more than the other team. The maximum time is 80 minutes in that time you have to score as many tries. This can happen if you put the ball down in line with the goal posts. There is 13 on the field that play first and then there are 4 subs on the bench. There are out lines. When the ball goes out of the out line then they throw in the ball this can be done with two players on the bottom and one on top to win the throw. The scrums are done differently too when you knock the ball on then five players three in front and two at the back and you push when the referee says “Crouch, Touch, Set!” . The different positions do different things like a winger stays on the outside and when then the ball come to him he sprints .
The positions are : R and L wing , dummy half, fullback, left center, fifth eighth, for the backs forwards are : 2 Prop, Hooker, 2 second row, lock and loose forward.
Tyrone Phillips the center for Bulldogs is a centre and he does the clearing for wingers and he is the one that get in the attack and takes the ball off the opponent and when in defence he is kicking the ball to the wing so he can get a try.
The teams that have won the Provan-Summons Trophy are two teams and they are called: Sydney Roosters 13 times won and South Sydney Rabbitohs with 20 wins.
League is like rugby, but there are different rules and there are other differences to rugby. They have no tackle counting and passing. It is a very fun game to play if you follow the rules.
Thursday, 28 August 2014
Independent week 6
I remember like it was yesterday.
My baby cousin called Namoami is 4 1/2 months old. She came over for a visit because it is their last day at their old house and we got the job of helping them move to their new house in Johns Lane in Pakuranga.
The next day when I got to their new place, I had to hold Namomai. I was holding her and she started to cry so I stood up. She magically stop crying and smiled at me. That was so funny because she had no teeth and she started to laugh.
Every time I go to their house I get the job of being the baby holder.
At the beach
At the beach
Where am I? The beach has the smell of salt in the air I just follow the smell, there is a soft feeling between my toes. It’s sand, I must be close. There is noise, it the waves clashing and banging at the rock bank. I’m here.
Wednesday, 20 August 2014
Story Lines ( Space jump production)
On Monday Tai and Naomi came to our school to do a special performance for us and they were really good. Our school was relay lucky because they did this for free. Tie and Naomi were play different people they were Clair and Jono and Professor Dribbles.
Wednesday, 30 July 2014
Hexagon Art
This is my hexagon art and I used a protractor and compass to do my art. One thing I like about it is the colours that is in my art. What I would change about my art is to enlarge the smaller colours and make them bigger and brighter and more affective.
Friday, 25 July 2014
Waggle Dance
Round Dance
The belly dance
If Ms Kirkpatrick will do this dance it will mean go into a circle.
Monday, 21 July 2014
A limo is so fast it is like a cheetah chasing a fast antelope running for his life.
A monster trucks are so loud it is like a millions of fan roaring in a crowd.
A TV is like a small cat because they come in different size.
A gun is fast like a Usain Bolt .
A pack of chips is like a leaf getting crushed.
Friday, 18 July 2014
Holiday reading soundtrack challenge
My book is called Captain Underpaints and the author is Dav Pilkey and this book genera is action and prank novel my piece of Music is Brave and the Artist is Sara Bareilles and this talks about when George and Harold steped up to Kipper when they were in kindygarden.
Holiday reading Side kick challenge
My book is called Captain Underpants and the author is Dav Pilkey and this genera is action novels and I would be Captain Underpants sidekick and I would help him defeat the enemy Tippy Tinkeltrousers who is trying to destroy the city by gathering all the people up and getting them to a safe .
Holiday reading recommend challenge
Make a Recommendation
My book is called Out of this world- Rocket board the author is Paul Collins and the genera is Comic books I would recommend this book to my cousin Edmund because he like to read comics.
Friday, 4 July 2014
Tuesday, 1 July 2014
Rm6 Favorite sport
In Room 6 Netball is the most popular sport because most of the girls including Miss Carr like this sport. The least popular sport is tennis with zero. Rugby and other sports have the same amount of people that like
them. Soccer was another popular sport in Room 6 with 7 students picking this sport.
Tuesday, 24 June 2014
30 dollar note
Jonah Lomu
I chose Jonah Lomu because for playing for All Blacks and the opening of the rugby world cup 2011 he was in the New Zealand team. Jonah was the best union player he is so famous and he has 63 rugby caps.
My other reasons are he made New Zealand famous and he played until he retired. His nickname was Big Man.
My next reason is he was the best in the world and he was so good at running he was named the best wing in the the world .
I would pick Jonah Lomu to be on the 30 dollar note because he is a legendary rugby player and he should be remembered on the 30 dollar note.
Thursday, 22 May 2014
Bradley non recalabel
Non Recyclable and Recyclable Rubbish
This is our Pie Graph showing what portion of our rubbish is recyclable and what is not in Room 6. Unfortunately we had more non recyclable then recyclable rubbish but it was a close finish.
45.5% recyclable and 54.5% not able to be recycled. We are putting more rubbish in the landfill than making new things.
Room 6 needs to look at how we can reduce the amount of rubbish we bring and how we can recycle more.
Bradley and Cyprus
Monday, 19 May 2014
Friday, 9 May 2014
Thursday, 8 May 2014
That was summer.
That was summer
Have you ever felt summer ?
sure you have.
Remember that time when your feet were up against the burning sand at the hot and brightly colored beach.
That was summer.
Have you ever heard summer?
sure you have.
Remember that time that you were at church camp.
You were hiking through the native bush and you heard all the birds chirping away.
At night hearing the word of God.
That was summer.
Have you ever tasted summer?
sure you have.
Remember that time when you had ice cream and
it was dribbling down your chin.
That was summer.
Have you ever smelled summer?
Sure you have .
Remember that time when you smelt the sea and
it smelt like salt water.
That was summer.
Have you ever felt summer?
Sure you have.
remember that time when the sand was hot and you
jumped in the cold water to cool down.
That was summer.
Monday, 5 May 2014
Today i played the algebra game and we were using substitution to answer the question It was had a first and then came the division and the times.
Thursday, 27 March 2014
Monday, 24 March 2014
L.I. - to know what plagiarism is
to understand why it is wrong
to use strategies to help prevent plagiarism
Look up plagiarism in the dictionary and paste a definition below.
List 5 things you have learnt about plagiarism:
- It helps the reader find the right sources for the topic.
- Add celebrities
- Respect peoples properties
- It avoids arrest
- It avids plagiarism
Wednesday, 19 March 2014
Thunder randomly comes
in the blink of an eye.
like the roar of a lion
with a noise so violent
that it can be heard miles away.
Thursday, 13 March 2014
Cultural Maths
1 One
2 Two
3 Three
4 Four
5 Five
6 Six
7 Seven
8 Eight
9 Nine
10 Ten
÷ Division
- Subtraction
× Multiplication
+ Addition
1 tasi
2 lua
3 tolu
4 fa
5 lima
6 ono
7 fitu
8 valu
9 iva
10 sefulu
÷ Faapoina
- Faa lekki
× Faa tele
+ Fa'aopoopo
1 uno
2 due
3 tre
4 quattro
5 cinque
6 sei
7 sette
8 otto
9 nov
10 dieci
+ aggiunta
- sottrazione
÷ divisione
× moltiplicazione
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